A social media specialist is a vital online collaborator that helps your company build your social media presence. You may ask why you would need one of these helpers since you already go online anyway. Here’s why you need one: they can develop a social media strategy that saves you time while reaching a wider audience. But wait, there’s more! Here are eight more reasons to hire one to help with your online community.
1. They understand the need for push and pull advertising
Developing an online presence is not built by using the hard sell. It does, however, involve planning, simple language, positivity and information sharing. This information needs to useful and shareable. Think of it as sharing useful tidbits of ideas while promoting what you do. All of this information, of course, needs to be relatable to what you do. If you are a coffee shop, you can go beyond the products you sell by chatting about how to make a fine cup of coffee to informing your customers where the best coffee comes from and why it is the best in your opinion. Running with ideas is what social media is all about and social media specialists do this best.
2. They keep up on the trends
All those apps you have on your smartphone, computer and tablet are always updating. All these changes create trends. These trends include hashtags, videos, memes and all sorts of things that help build your social media presence. They can help you pinpoint what apps are best suited to you and what you can offer to your audience to get the best response. You do not need a long list of hashtags. You do need the right ones that will help your message. It should be noted that not all apps will work for you. For example, if you post a lot of pictures then Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook may be best suited for you.
3. They understand analytics
Posts can give you more information than just likes and follows you receive online from your audience. Having a look behind the curtain gives you information that you do not always see such as peak times for responses, locations of your audience, how many views your post receives and how many times it was shared. This information is very important to know so you have an idea of what really works and what doesn’t. It also tells you vital information about your customers that a social media specialist can really hone in on.
4. They understand micro writing
Writing small snippets of thought is not always easy. Social media specialists know that the right idea expressed with the right amount of words will help get ideas out fast. Twitter is the best example of this. This app promotes brevity and beyond. Initially, it was a 140-word count but in February 2018 they increased it to 280 words. The idea here was to encourage more free writing so users would not abandon tweets due to tight constraints. Even with the increased word count, writing concisely and effectively can be a challenge.
5. They understand peak times for posting
Not all apps are created equal when it comes to viewer engagement. For example, social media specialists know that Instagram’s peak time is on Wednesday around 3:00 pm, Thursday at 5 am, 11 am and at 3 to 4 pm, and on Friday at 5 am. Thursday is the best day to post while Sundays get the least engagement. All of these peak posting times change over time and social media specialists will be on top of that information as it does.
6. They post your information, news and other relevant media
You are more than just your products and services and your social media specialist knows this. Your experiences, extracurricular activities, hobbies and behind the scenes help build what you do. They can help show what makes your company tick and what you’re passionate about while showing community involvement.
7. They use social media themselves every day
Social media specialist know what works for them so they can pass that good stuff on to your business as well. A good marketer is always staying on top of the latest news and that is a big benefit to you. They understand brand reputation management and they know that what you put out there needs to promote you in the best light always.
8. They understand your community
Your hired help knows the audience you’re trying to reach out to. It could be worldwide or it could be local. The more posts that go out, the more you get to know who is being reached. From there, your specialist will target the best group while promoting more followers leading to more engagement from new customers. If you are a mattress company, you know that your customers are seeking comfort. However, they are also seeking information, sales, product knowledge, and updates as well as information on getting a good nights rest. A well-rested community is a happy community. A well-informed community is an even happier one!
At The GDC Group, we can help you with your social media and develop a plan that works for you. Call us today!