Google Change Coming April 21, 2015: Is Your Website Mobile Ready?

Google logoWhen Google announced they were going to flag mobile-ready websites there was a lot of speculation online about whether sites would be penalized in their ranking if they were not mobile-ready. As it turns out, Google just announced on their Official Google Webmaster Blog that they are, indeed, making mobile readiness a ranking factor (see excerpt below):

Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results. Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for their devices.

So, how do you know if this affects your website?

The easiest way to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly is to open it up on a mobile device. Your website should look differently on your smartphone or tablet than it does on a desktop computer screen – if it is mobile-friendly.

Pretend to be a customer

While having your website open on your smartphone or tablet, try navigating your website like a customer would. Browse your website. If you sell products, add some to your cart and proceed to check out. It should be easy to navigate around your website.

Do a Mobile-ready Test

Check out a few of each type of page on your website with Google’s Free Mobile Ready Test.

Get a Mobile Usability Report

If you code your own websites and have Google’s Webmaster Tools, you can check the Mobile Usability Report to get a full list of your website’s mobile usability issues — if it has any.

Does your website have issues?

The GDC Group can help! Contact us today to discuss your mobile-ready issues and we can help you overcome them.