Opt-in marketing is a form of permission advertising where your audience chooses to receive a formal follow-up communication from you. These opt-in choices are emails, offers, promotions, and newsletters. This is a perk or choice. The recipient is fully aware that he or she will get additional information at a later date, making it much less likely that your marketing efforts will end up in a spam folder.
Why is having opt-in marketing important?
Opt-in marketing helps you build your online community. It’s important to build trust when building a customer base. From there, It helps you measure your success. When you keep tabs on your analytics, you can see who signs up and know where your audience is coming from. We know from experience it definitely works. However, patience is key with this form of marketing. It does take time to build. Keep it friendly and have signing up an option for them. At The GDC Group, we can help you set up a marketing plan and add a sign-up section on your web site.
Here are some tips:
1. Consider what you are offering
Be upfront and honest with what you are offering and how often you will be sending out information. The more useful and helpful you are with your information, the more your audience will continue to look forward to your correspondence.
2. Show proof
Reviews, testimonials, and stats are a great way to prove what you are offering are popular and helpful. It’s okay to promote information that proved to be well-received.
3. Limit your emails
A good rule of thumb is to send out emails every once in a while. Sending out more than one a day is a quick and easy way to get deleted. Try 2 to 3 times a week and monitor your feedback.
4. Personalize your emails
A great way to welcome your audience is by having your email address them by name. Make sure you stand out from all the rest of the spam and needless emails we all receive daily.
5. Let your subscribers set their preferences
Allow your audience to choose how often they want to hear from you. If they only prefer a newsletter once a week then send that. If you have additional things to send, add that in the newsletter to see if they are interested. Once again, it comes down to choice.