Are you ready for 2022? If you said no, you are not alone. We don’t know what to expect from the ongoing roller coaster ride we’ve been on since 2020. One thing is certain- we are ready to step off.
Since 2020 we have had to redesign how we do things both in life and with our work life. We crave the simple stuff once again.
Think back before covid. Then think even further before social media. Remember how differently we approached business, marketing, and self-promotion? Yeah, it is a vintage approach but it did work. Somehow social media really made some things easier but it made some things very complicated. We are not saying ditch social media altogether – it’s just time to interject some of that vintage style to business back into our modern-day marketing.
The next year is up in the air. However, some people are calling the next year an “entrepreneurial renaissance.” Since we have had a lot of time to reassess life and the way we do things, many want to get back to simple approaches.
Here are some tips to consider:
Put all your cards on the table
Define why you are in business and be honest about what is not working. Is everything you are offering needed, useful, or wanted? Really take a hard look at what consumers focussed on since 2020. Look at the needs they had and assess the ongoing trends. A good expample of an ongoing need that consumers had was comfort. They want comfort in the home, comfort in their home offices and the comfort of knowing they are going to be safe. These are all important things.
Focus on your customers
Make your business about your customers. Spend time getting to know them. Ask them questions and let them get involved. Take it even further-research your ausience by collecting information such ad their age group, their gender, lifestyle, geographic location and online behavioural data. Also pinpoint needs and services they are looking for.
Update your website
Many in the business world feel that websites are going to make a bigger stage presence this coming year. Your website is something that you can control, update when needed, and provide accurate information to share. Treat your website as a place to visit often with good ideas, good information, and great products. Since many of us spend a lot of time on our smart phones, it is important to make sure your webside is mobile friendly.
Work on your competitive edge
There’s a great quote that goes like this- Integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is watching. As business owners we can take that a bit farther. We can offer more services with greater value by providing the unexpected and going beyond what your competition is doing. Create what is needed, create what is missing, and fill in the gaps.
Get real
One thing social media created was an unreal presence with a lot of complicated and often untruthful information. Your audience is looking for reality. They are looking for relateable and real information that can help them. Change the narrative of what you do and how you do it. Your audience is already scanning over the useless information. Make sure you are offering something that stands out in a helpful and profound way.