Right now is a good time to add something special touch to your marketing efforts. Personalization has now evolved beyond knowing your customers by name and offering a regular newsletter. The bar has been set so much higher due to the pandemic and inflation. If you want to get their attention, you will have to add a little extra to stand out from the crowd.
Times are tough right now so getting and keeping customers is on a higher priority list than ever before. The hard sell is out so we will have to get creative to be memorable to your audience. A fun approach is to make it personal with customized marketing. Here are eight ways to show your appreciation.
1. Stickers
Those packages can be dolled up with a great sticker on the package or a sticker for them to use at their leisure. Stickermule.com has revolving sales and when they promote their sticker sales you can save over 50%. Plus they offer free shipping. A fun customized sticker will set you apart!
2. Thank you cards in packages
Nothing says a thanks like a personalized thank you card with a signature from the person who packed it. Well.ca does this and I look forward to it every time I order.
3. Add samples
Everyone likes to sample something before they buy especially if it’s expensive. Companies like chatters.ca add samples you can choose from with your order. Getting a little extra in your packages makes it feel like so much more!
4. A discount code
We are all looking for deals right now so if you offer a discount code or free shipping on the next order you will sweeten the deal.
5. Add candy/treats
It goes a long way when you add a little treat to your packages. That little something can lift someone’s day and if you make it fun enough, they’ll promote you as a cool company to shop with.
6. Ask them to be a brand ambassador
A great thing to add to your social media or webpage is to have a link or a hashtag where they can share their purchase with a picture. Hottopic and Starbucks have quite a community and they share their love of cool products and coffee often. What a great way to build a community!
7. Have a customer appreciation day
Pick a day bi-monthly or every 6 months to have a customer appreciation day for your loyal customers. This is a good time to have a sale or give them a discount code.
8. Send out a mini newsletter
Create something fun to read and put it in a mailer or in the orders that you send out. It could spotlight products, trends, tips, news, and customer who promote what you do.